Friday, March 21, 2008

Ambulance Ride Cost Canada

I think that the current behavior of our class policy, especially by the center-right, on the Alitalia, is the most squalid could happen to a situation which if not tackled in time could become particularly tragic for workers and their families, who may seriously be on a road, other than stories.
And then, allow me, I find completely ridiculous the "liberal" Berlusconi, who pressed the League's Bossi, who is forced to find an Italian solution that has the best chance of being much worse than the French bid, however humiliating to the company Italian flag, but, in truth, in all these years has done little to avoid being in this difficult situation and then say I, however, that we go forward in trying to find a negotiated agreement between the French and at least decent trade unions of workers who face a probable commissioner of our national airline, however, would do well to take a few steps back to avoid the workers of the company leaving more humiliation, however, lose the electoral sirens of the Knight and his other friends who do nothing but take precious time to those who now do not really need, my opinion.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Is Application Paper


Flavia Mirabelli
Human Resources Director

Dear Dr. Smith,

Thank you for sending your curriculum vitae. His candidacy
these is of great interest, both in terms of personal and professional, and we will question it as soon as you present an opportunity.

even now inform you that keep your name out in our database, in accordance with law on the protection of privacy, and we hope that we can contact in the near future.

Please accept our best regards.

Flavia Mirabelli
Human Resources Director

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Dog Is Dragging Her Back Leg

What is happening to the markets? Thank you all

After a short break from the markets resume posting comments, since the visits to the blog are always numerous.
What about those markets where the icertezza the fate of the economy is still very strong and fears of a recession are getting closer. First on the front
Assisted exchange we are a strong weakening of the dollar and the currencies lower. The strategy of investing dollars in transactions rather than buying the currency on the Forex market was particularly timely because the loss was limited to $ 100 margin (70 Euro).
When we can not expect anything good even on the face of stock market investment location for research only at the time that we consider are the titles of BTP was the long-term downtrend in interest rates are increased in their listing.
Good week to all visitors!