Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Invitation For Lohri Party

Italy Brava! Alitalia

All we can say these elections unless they have led to changes that define the times and still not say why the drastic reduction of the parties in the future Parliament and the removal from our Parliament left and extreme right, and a historic party as the socialist belief that the facts will be the date of 13-14 April 2008 as a historic day for the history of our country.
To fail to mention that for 5 years, Italy will finally a strong government that will have to make choices must be courageous and serious reforms that Italy calls for a long, long, time because if it does not do this is very dark times for Italy.
And then you want to put that phrase-five years of the profession to Veltroni, D'Alema and Rutelli to, will stay at the kennel without doing further damage to the country Italy?
And then at the end of the ride I do the Italians, including myself, who had the courage, with their vote to really change Italy, my most sincere congratulations, good, in fact, Italy brava!


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