Saturday, July 5, 2008

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must say that in these days of very hot summer, the so-called "new" left formed by Veltroni and Di Pietro, ovverossia the new Abbott and Costello of our politicians, are by fire and flames, masking it rather clumsily as an attack on democracy with the issue of so-called wiretapping that they should be free as it should be free, according to them, to the alleged public pillory, I emphasize this word, guilty, and instead this time, unfortunately for them, the ride is over and now this government desired by the vast majority of Italians is putting his hand on a subject on which too many newspapers, especially of a specific political party, are speculating on in a way that is defined hairy be friendly and polite.
Sure, you know, the model is America, the United States, and there, but the intercepts are allowed, I say, is it possible that we should just copy everything from a noble country even though its worst faults? True of the Clinton-Lewinski that at least for me is the most bleak a country that calls itself civilized can lower that another does not, in short, that's one thing the privacy of any person, including political, else, instead , are the private gossip that nothing, I repeat, nothing got to do with the action of a government desired by a large majority of Italians who, surveys in hand, I believe that this time they understand which side is the wrong reason and where thus thwarting, yet again, the action of a left that in the absence of good arguments contrasting entrusts itself to define that Veltroni is weak to say the least, a executioner Di Pietro more than ever, and the last to grillini girotondini and that concrete results, by eye, it seems to me quite a few have achieved so far and then, dear Silvio, the appeal that I make in public is a quote from Dante's memory that says "Do not treat yourself to their look and go" and, I might add, by acting decisively and immediately above because these painful events of Midsummer have to finish first possible because the country Italy, ricordiamocelo everyone, left and right, has far more serious and urgent needs, is not it?


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