Saturday, August 23, 2008

What People Think Of Tony Quinn Ultra Bronze


Needless to stay here to hide it, at these Olympics, many Chinese, too, had become illusions, both in sports that policies that have been, alas, exactly disappointed because always remember that China is still in progress still a hard Communist regime that hopefully tries to mask it behind a joke of liberalism, polite term, because some of the most politically high to remind me of Chinese friends that if this economic liberalism should be have to be conjugated with appropriate civil liberties is otherwise a mask, a facade, a joke, a joke indeed.
Although still recognize that the Olympic Games in China were eventually made and that any our boycott, while recognizing the sacred Tibetan cause, would have been otherworldly, adding that this was a useless price sports and world politics have to pay now, though, just with the certainty that with London 2012 and Chicago, to 80% by 2016, some crap arbitration, and not just those, they will disappear as if by magic, and Italy will its thirty medals without a fight, you'll see, maybe ....


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