Monday, October 27, 2008

Bought Wedding Dresses

many years, even when I was a young sapling full of high hopes, occupy schools, I marches, sit-ins and other things but then growing, living, I grew up, I hope matured in any case profoundly changed, and aware that the Italian school, to be competitive abroad, has to change, profoundly, acting not only with a scalpel as he is doing now under the thumb of the Gelmini a budget like that of Tremonti which does not allow but also trying to carry on, inside, trying to structural reforms, if possible, a dialogue, a comparison with the healthy part of families, students and teachers because the confrontation, with a few exceptions, has never help anyone, certainly both sides should do at least one step back, leaving the outer edges of the task humiliated in Piazza hopes, only in that particular case is clear, the decisive intervention of the police.
In any case, that goes badly, the government will go its own way, hoping, hoping, that next time there is, as mentioned above, an open, serious, constructive, at 360 ° with the healthy part of our youth that There is no doubt that only on TV and in the streets, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your point of view, there is very little, preferring newspapers and TV, giving space to the negative side, there is no doubt that, for their good wishes, too in that case, a positive change of course, there will be? I have strong doubts about it ....


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