Thursday, January 24, 2008

How Many Calories In Thinly Sliced Lunchmeat

How to deal with the markets at this stage of uncertainty

investing in stocks is not easy, this post as the whole philosophy of the blog is not geared to a quick profit from day trading, but to develop a culture to obtain sufficient funding to allow more than the average earnings of understanding where the mass "mistakes" and avoid making the same mistakes.
to do this and to suggest the reading of good books listed on the side, which must necessarily be read in this sequence because the latter refer to concepts in the background, I remind you that according to the philosophy of the Father Rich, I agree totally and I'm passionate about a lot in these moments begin to invest in the stock market or to expand the locations with plans to build could be an interesting opportunity in the long term as well as the investment in dollars or through bonds Forex. I will not dwell here in the explanation of the Forex, but all who are interested in this investment opportunity with a minimum deposit of $ 100 can contact me at mail

you soon!


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