Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How Many Calories Is 1 Slice Of American Cheese?

2008 will be the year of redemption of the dollar??

The dollar is again very close to the bouncing of 1.50 which reacted positively to the end of 2007.
These days I'm testing the platform Iforex which allows a minimum investment of $ 100 - which is the amount deposited by me to invest in currencies using the leverage.
is allowed to invest up to 400 times the amount deposited.
Of course I prefer not to fully exploit the leverage in the investment but be aware to place a stop loss that will not affect the whole of the capital and accordingly the amount invested.
With $ 100 I saw that you can use the stop loss INVES well be the equivalent of 2500 or 5000 Euro.

All those who want to know more features of the service may send an email to the bottom of the page listing here:

A wish of a 2008 full of peace, health and wealth to all visitors to the Blog.


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