Monday, May 17, 2010

Clipart Of Garbage Man

[jQuery Tutorial] - Hello World Seven


It 's time to introduce my first jQuery tutorial on , and what is more appropriate in programming world but the good old Hello World ?

First download the latest stable version of jQuery from official website. Done? Well go on (I feel very Uh! John Muciaccia ).

Ah, the site you will find two versions available: PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT and , first you need to production environment for a faster execution of your script, you can use it in the second phase of development since the source code is much more readable (especially useful during debugging or to better understand how it works the Core of jQuery).
Choose the version that best suits you, for the purposes of this tutorial is used in either of the two.

Now open any software to create text file (from Notepad to Visual Studio, the choice is yours), and start writing a standard HTML structure . ( NB: In this tutorial NOT go into any kind of concept HTML since the intent is to focus on jQuery )
I think something like this should be just fine:

Struttura HTML standard

Perfect, at this point we can only link to the jQuery previously downloaded (in my case I use the ". min", which corresponds to the version PRODUCTION ).

Link del jQuery

We now have the ability to use the full power of jQuery and JavaScript to create pages with excellent effects and unparalleled dynamism ... I look like a promoter, eh ? Do not waste any more time and let's add another HTML tag script type within which we will write our first lines of "real" code.

Primo passo nel jQuery!

In this first tutorial I will not go into the code yet, so the important thing is that, if we now run the page in a web browser any , you see pop up a modal JavaScript with the following text: "Hello World , by jQuery! . What I pointed out in Fig.3 indicates the syntax used by jQuery, which will be detailed In the next post (now I'm sleepy, lol).

Finished! Although this quick and concise tutorial showed you how to use the jQuery to display a simple alert .
" Well, but I could do it with the simple standard JavaScript " you say. Yes, of course you could do it but in the next post I will show you the differences between one another and take the first steps in the " $ (document). ready."



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