Friday, May 14, 2010

Unlock Vip Suitcase Number

create applications on Facebook ... almost, almost.

Who does not know " Faccialibro ? I think very few people.
Like many, I have a FB account ( click here if you want to know what is) but to be honest, I've never been "surprised" much. Ok, it's done right and if they use millions of people ... but there is a reason besides the fact that browse the profiles of friends and read some shit, I can not find the urgent need to use it in every day.

Yet the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping applications teases me a bit of time. I also found this guide on , ok that is quite dated but I think it is always useful to understand the basics.
Well, let's see what comes out ... then, what could I develop on FB? :-)


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