Sunday, November 16, 2008

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Englaro case! W

With great sadness known by the liberal world, a radical party, there is the case of Eluana define a deafening silence that is to say little, afraid of? Perhaps because this part is all committed, in the Polo, to seek, rightly, the classic "place in the sun, and thus disturb the manipulator has no will and imagine that, I regret to say, casts a very dark on the future of liberal Italy, or better yet, their civic courage to tackle head on a battle that could not be more liberal, since it addresses the right of a person, Eluana, you can have the best of his life with his father, she could not, for reasons we all know, to observe faithfully kept his choice, and then, now more than ever, I'd even by other liberal and radical aside, a voice came out, a critique, an opinion, actually a sign of life I do not see provided that Victor Felts can not be considered part of this world given the excellent article about it published on the Free on Saturday but maybe, who knows, I'm just delusional, perhaps ....

Friday, November 7, 2008

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Obama! Italian School

I confess candidly, on Tuesday night when Barack Obama became president of the United States of America, I was happy and glad I left though not a contradiction? And now I do not think I'll explain why.
I believe that Obama's election has been for the U.S. and the rest of the world, Italy included, very beneficial because it will, especially among the left, a serious debate on its way of doing politics, on his keeping up with Because this time, especially in Italy, many of its ills, with Obama, which I hope will break too many preconceived still preventing the left to become a viable alternative to the government, and not only in Italy.
And then also to the right, I think, the election can not hurt because it will make her understand that we must be always ready to pick up the antennas straight, as it is doing not only in Italy, the mood of the people remaining always down to earth, this thing that the election of McCain would certainly not be complete, in fact, correct, and then I find that even from the right, someone more enlightened than others, cries W Obama as I do.
Then, of course, objected to me that Obama is certainly not a liberal, I agree, but I think that at this moment to be so liberal, agree that much looking instead for the good of all, to help those responsible to repair the damage that certain individuals, Bush in the lead, and they are doing to the world economy later this is done, and certainly will not be easy, let's go back even to be, and I am, but not now looking, if anything, as a lesson for the future, to remove half of some amateur-term kind, which offend the good name of liberalism seriously, which certainly exists but is certainly not represented at the top of the world economy, too bad!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bought Wedding Dresses

many years, even when I was a young sapling full of high hopes, occupy schools, I marches, sit-ins and other things but then growing, living, I grew up, I hope matured in any case profoundly changed, and aware that the Italian school, to be competitive abroad, has to change, profoundly, acting not only with a scalpel as he is doing now under the thumb of the Gelmini a budget like that of Tremonti which does not allow but also trying to carry on, inside, trying to structural reforms, if possible, a dialogue, a comparison with the healthy part of families, students and teachers because the confrontation, with a few exceptions, has never help anyone, certainly both sides should do at least one step back, leaving the outer edges of the task humiliated in Piazza hopes, only in that particular case is clear, the decisive intervention of the police.
In any case, that goes badly, the government will go its own way, hoping, hoping, that next time there is, as mentioned above, an open, serious, constructive, at 360 ° with the healthy part of our youth that There is no doubt that only on TV and in the streets, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your point of view, there is very little, preferring newspapers and TV, giving space to the negative side, there is no doubt that, for their good wishes, too in that case, a positive change of course, there will be? I have strong doubts about it ....

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Walter Veltroni Show! Denial and Paralysis Gentlemen

What about the brilliant event that occurred on Saturday in Rome, where all the pride of the Democratic Party and the far left, it is expressed in its greatest splendor? All the best shame only that: 1) Of the much-vaunted two million and half people there it was up to just over 200,000. 2) As a concrete policy proposals, not even the shadow, only slogans, the usual accusations with zero sense of self-criticism now and then, for them, as always, is always the fault of right ugly, dirty and bad, happy with them. 3) The constant parroting Democratic leader Barack Obama is losing our good Walterone the most elementary sense of the extent of American politics as he is copying, and even in the best way, only the aesthetic but, in essence, the Italian PD is and remains the sum of DS and Margherita with little else in and then, my advice would be good for all of the friends of PD fly low, very low level of ordinary people who find it hard when you just can not, for arrive at 4 weeks of the month then, perhaps, listening carefully to these people maybe this party will take part perhaps, I might add, also doing a nice clean sweep of old caryatids, the names are unfortunately many, however, that prevent this noble project to take part again, in my opinion.
In any case, the only sure thing out of Rome last Saturday and that these events, because their "contents," nothing can do that by allowing the knight and his allies to govern, at least, another 10-15 years, pleased he please everyone ...

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Unfortunately, in this political moment, it is fashionable or deny what was said on the day before or even just a few hours before and who they are, in your opinion, the best practitioners of this noble sport, not so much? The current prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi and opposition leader, Walter Veltroni, with the first being almost contradicts what was said the day before about the occupations in schools, and another who once allied with Di Pietro and 'no more, and then at the end of the ride, you can say all this is not the realization that policy coherence, and not just a matter of fact, it is not very popular sport in Italy, why let this sin in match the hands of people like Bossi, or worse still, Di Pietro could be in the long run, counterproductive, and therefore very practical advice I do both Berlusconi and Veltroni, and to think twice before making statements that the next day would be easy being denied, do you follow him? I very much doubt ....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

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I, these days, I'm witnessing the sad spectacle of the appointments of the Constitutional Judge and President of the Supervisory Committee Rai, sad because vetoes on certain names, Sheets and Orlando are bringing the paralysis of their bodies with damaged easily imaginable.
course, the question myself Rai Watchdog Committee because they would rather avoid, from liberal and liberal I believe that Rai should eliminate political parties from his body, and privatize all without exceptions even more because otherwise I foresee a real risk that this company will become, if not, Alitalia's future, that God does not want to but I'm afraid, alas, will end just like that with taxpayers to pay for everything, but okay .... After
, the Constitutional Court, even here the prevailing dispute between the PDL, which represents lawyers, and IDV and PD, leading to most of them judges and magistrates with a level of irresponsibility on both sides, extreme partly because the Justice, in a country like Italy would be civil, it is something sacred, or so it should be while here, Instead, you continue to fight the great caring about the real problems that afflict this for decades so delicate area, but going to be sorry for the outburst ....., but when there is vo 'is Vo, and that gosh !
Sure, probably also thanks to the commendable initiative of panels by day fasts, eventually you will find an agreement but the damage, I fear, will now be done with Italian citizens, as usual, to come to this sad, cloying, but very little theater, you know, we are in Italy and then ...

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PD and the United States

I know that the birth of the Democratic Party was and is inspired by the American Democrats hoping to give them something pleasant, ah if they only knew of the sad shape they are doing will immediately make them think in the lawyers warning them publicly that Italy still use their name, why? Simply said, the U.S. primaries are serious matters which are serious candidates are put literally at stake in front of their voters, and not like in Italy where the primaries are a strong candidate, Walter Veltroni, the candidate against a weak as can be read or Rosy Bindi wondering, about that, why people like Rutelli, D'Alema and Fassino has not been put into play in America as politicians usually do, fear or lack of consideration of their electorate? I tend to be the latter also because these characters have always limited appeal, the end kind, in fearing to be judged by its electorate, probably, will end up badly and then I say, why do not you do everything from the bottom? Candidate with real, strong, chosen through local primary in an open and transparent by their constituents and supporters? Also because, dear friends of PD, while acknowledging that the idea of \u200b\u200ba democratic party is certainly valid and, later, you must also apply if you want to catch up with fellow Americans, their methods, otherwise it applies and defeats which inevitably will have in the future they will be cruelly testify at future memory.

Friday, September 19, 2008

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speak on this occasion, for once, and a popular TV show "Striscia la Notizia", \u200b\u200bwhich recently chose its new Tissue with a criterion in terms of transparency leaves much to be desired, too polite term deliberately because the names of the selected Veline, Just take a ride on the Internet to do with it largely an idea, they were already on the net since June, speaking especially of the notice, the Nargi, which has, for the avoidance of doubt, is a beautiful girl, and then I ask myself and wonder why the champion of freedom, honesty and transparency, Antonio Ricci, refused on this occasion the free and absolute discretion of the audience for his program before refusing a direct popular vote and then looking around that some poll would give a different outcome, perhaps, or maybe not, who knows, but transparent, this thing for me has always been fundamental.
And here, I must admit in all honesty, this time the talented Ricci has greatly disappointed me bitterly, because he would have expected much more and yet, alas, is exactly equal to those persons daily, and rightly clear, makes the sermon, and then here, I'm sorry, next Monday Strip will always have a viewer for the monologue, always tasty, the raw and stacchetto Veline but then change the channel because for me last night when it comes to Mr. Ricci has lost credibility in many ways, I'm sorry but I just can not do otherwise, sin ...

Blepharitis When Does It Go

Italian Farce

Needless to hide it, this whole story about Alitalia and its probable failure has greatly puzzled me, even disgust, especially to see the 'absolute irresponsibility of politicians and trade unions, CGIL head, not to mention, mercifully, staff that the news of the withdrawal of the offer of the CAI was also afforded the luxury of applauding, what do I say? The failure of the company for which they have always worked? But by ...
However, for me, this company now decoction, kind word, must have been bankrupt a long time doing so through the free market, and certainly not with our money, which could be reborn through employers, the better our own, able to do it again as it should be as already happened in other countries, an example? Switzerland with Swissair, but unfortunately, as we well know, we live in a country of many words and little action and then the final looks like we're seeing, unfortunately, more and more of a farce the whole Italian hoping it does not become although I fear more will end up just like hoping, of course, be wrong, would not be the first time, this unfortunate, but predictable prognosis.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

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Sport Italian Olympic

Italy in these Olympic Games, I think a few times in its history, did not have any medals from team sports, understood as football, basketball and volleyball, as well as in gymnastics, and this is symptomatic of the crisis that Italian sport undoubtedly has, and certainly not from yesterday to tell the truth.
One might ask, I know, well then what solutions I propose some ideas to improve things I would suggest to the minister Gelmini think less of the aprons and school teachers in the South and to focus more, however, to make do with our young people, just from school, more physical education, in short, doing more sport maybe starting to extend the hours of education weekly natural that our children usually play with often ludicrous results, kind word. Another thing
cuts under the budget that the Sport instead, in my humble opinion, should be reserved for other sectors by encouraging, if anything, especially the South, the building sports gyms maybe in a few words, because, no, please, in lack of state aid, private initiative than in other nations, and not only the U.S., there is already without anyone crying scandal, indeed ....
last thing about the tax relief to Olympic medals, on this proposal I would also agree, however, suggesting as an alternative to this, as many athletes medal of the military, an automatic promotion to higher grade for sporting merits, the case where Cainero docet her Olympic gold medal by officials of the Forest has become a simple choice agent, is an idea but in both cases as that of the tax relief, have to be applied, or one or the other, also to give a concrete sign, not the usual empty words of circumstance, of gratitude that we Italians give to these our good sportsmen, short facts and not words, at least this time, at least in their ....

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Needless to stay here to hide it, at these Olympics, many Chinese, too, had become illusions, both in sports that policies that have been, alas, exactly disappointed because always remember that China is still in progress still a hard Communist regime that hopefully tries to mask it behind a joke of liberalism, polite term, because some of the most politically high to remind me of Chinese friends that if this economic liberalism should be have to be conjugated with appropriate civil liberties is otherwise a mask, a facade, a joke, a joke indeed.
Although still recognize that the Olympic Games in China were eventually made and that any our boycott, while recognizing the sacred Tibetan cause, would have been otherworldly, adding that this was a useless price sports and world politics have to pay now, though, just with the certainty that with London 2012 and Chicago, to 80% by 2016, some crap arbitration, and not just those, they will disappear as if by magic, and Italy will its thirty medals without a fight, you'll see, maybe ....

Thursday, July 17, 2008

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Wages Greek, Norwegian taxes, Welfare South America. The impoverishment of the Italians is contained in this triangle of paradox, where they vanish social equity and redistributive justice. In the beautiful country the average worker earns half that of a "colleague" Scandinavian pay his own taxes, but without change in Benefits and Services as efficient.


Monday, July 14, 2008

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

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Death of a free man! In defense of Silvio

With this post I want to honor the memory of Gianfranco Funari which to me was, is and will remain a free man, independent, no doubt with a character that can certainly not easy, indeed, really for this unique of its kind and a forerunner of TV today, for good or evil, we see almost every day. And you
Funari also add that it was also an extremely consistent and honest with itself and its principles are often paying for it in person, true exile from your main TV, its values \u200b\u200bso rare in a world of plastic like the present, however, and close to me a free man like you will surely miss you so much as I believe all the people who carry out these days all your values, Gianfri hello, see you soon ...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

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must say that in these days of very hot summer, the so-called "new" left formed by Veltroni and Di Pietro, ovverossia the new Abbott and Costello of our politicians, are by fire and flames, masking it rather clumsily as an attack on democracy with the issue of so-called wiretapping that they should be free as it should be free, according to them, to the alleged public pillory, I emphasize this word, guilty, and instead this time, unfortunately for them, the ride is over and now this government desired by the vast majority of Italians is putting his hand on a subject on which too many newspapers, especially of a specific political party, are speculating on in a way that is defined hairy be friendly and polite.
Sure, you know, the model is America, the United States, and there, but the intercepts are allowed, I say, is it possible that we should just copy everything from a noble country even though its worst faults? True of the Clinton-Lewinski that at least for me is the most bleak a country that calls itself civilized can lower that another does not, in short, that's one thing the privacy of any person, including political, else, instead , are the private gossip that nothing, I repeat, nothing got to do with the action of a government desired by a large majority of Italians who, surveys in hand, I believe that this time they understand which side is the wrong reason and where thus thwarting, yet again, the action of a left that in the absence of good arguments contrasting entrusts itself to define that Veltroni is weak to say the least, a executioner Di Pietro more than ever, and the last to grillini girotondini and that concrete results, by eye, it seems to me quite a few have achieved so far and then, dear Silvio, the appeal that I make in public is a quote from Dante's memory that says "Do not treat yourself to their look and go" and, I might add, by acting decisively and immediately above because these painful events of Midsummer have to finish first possible because the country Italy, ricordiamocelo everyone, left and right, has far more serious and urgent needs, is not it?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

How Much Are Bionicle Worth


I believe that Italy has never, as now need three reforms absolutely and utterly compelling: 1) Security with the Italians who want to finally see the laws obeyed by all, making them, if possible, more severe and ensuring a good time certainty What this sentence worthy of a serious condition as it should be Italy. 2) The fees should be greatly reduced in order to boost our economy by cutting the costs of course, equally unnecessary and institutions, an idea? Mountain Communities, Provinces, stocks and blue cars, and it is only the beginning. 3) Immigration must be regulated like all civilized countries like Germany, France, Spain and elsewhere. not build walls, not that, but without even immerse themselves in front of his trousers to people who scruples to human life of others has never been shown to have and never will even if, in extreme cases, to use the hard way because if people see that his partner, goes the Italian , shows his face harder then I do believe that certain crimes of calerebbero shot bet?
last thing, and this is a veiled rebuke to do that this government is that an account is a dialogue with the opposition, all well and good while, though, things, and being influenced too much by certain positions, especially on security, by Veltroni's PD would be good to remember that he lost the election in a rather net for declared will of the people, not for other obscure reasons, is not it? And then, at the end of the ride, dear Silvio, as modest advice I give is to listen more to people that you voted and less that of someone who has not done so, to avoid mess-ups and the political situation, and not alone, difficult to understand, my opinion.

Monday, April 28, 2008

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Italian Pride Roman

say that tonight I am happy is an understatement, the Roman people has finally raised its head after years of keeping captive-clerical communist-I, frankly, did not believe such an success, I repeat finally the people of Rome felt that years of policy and no pure image practical matter could not only lead to a continuation of the deterioration of certain areas of the city, a bad politics on Capitol Hill that Veltroni has certainly not ceased to exist, indeed, especially for a serious and grave as the certainty that the two arrived Rutelli together with that of Veltroni have certainly dealt with and I hope that instead of addressing Alemanno a determined and serious or otherwise for Rome, and not just for her, I foresee dark times.
And then, on the other PDL not only in Rome, I think and believe that listening to the heart and the needs of the people is exclusively a merit that the PD and the salons of the intellectuals, however, has not in any way and had people this has finally figured out, prosit.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tese Sobre Candidíase Peniana?

Beppe Grillo

premise immediately to clear the field by the misunderstanding that the last three items suggested by Grillo and his acolytes that they are supported fully, for the more distracted: 1) Abolition of the Journalists. 2) Remove public finance publishing. 3) The abolition of the Gasparri law.
The problem, in my opinion, Grillo and his tone and manner are absolutely to be condemned by slum and that remind me of sad episodes, see the birth of fascism and BR are just two examples at random, that disrupt much of the intentions However laudable his movement which, I repeat, with more tones and methods would have an even greater following in the past, however, Italy, history teaches, tribunes and arruffapopoli, docet Mussolini, has had plenty of them with results in most cases, using a euphemism, not at all exciting, considering that it is certainly a shame that nobody can say certain things in his face ours because the "good" habit very "democratic" to escape on time in comparison with those who think like him, so easy to do ....
And then, at the end of the day, the undersigned, while largely sympathizing with the ideas proposed by grillini can not accede to such ideas in any way just because my signature at the bottom of one of them even proposed referendum would automatically apply to 'approval of a system and a method, that of protest and screams and insults of the Piazza, I do not agree in any way preferred, at least I, systems and methods more civilized and less violent.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Invitation For Lohri Party

Italy Brava! Alitalia

All we can say these elections unless they have led to changes that define the times and still not say why the drastic reduction of the parties in the future Parliament and the removal from our Parliament left and extreme right, and a historic party as the socialist belief that the facts will be the date of 13-14 April 2008 as a historic day for the history of our country.
To fail to mention that for 5 years, Italy will finally a strong government that will have to make choices must be courageous and serious reforms that Italy calls for a long, long, time because if it does not do this is very dark times for Italy.
And then you want to put that phrase-five years of the profession to Veltroni, D'Alema and Rutelli to, will stay at the kennel without doing further damage to the country Italy?
And then at the end of the ride I do the Italians, including myself, who had the courage, with their vote to really change Italy, my most sincere congratulations, good, in fact, Italy brava!

Friday, March 21, 2008

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I think that the current behavior of our class policy, especially by the center-right, on the Alitalia, is the most squalid could happen to a situation which if not tackled in time could become particularly tragic for workers and their families, who may seriously be on a road, other than stories.
And then, allow me, I find completely ridiculous the "liberal" Berlusconi, who pressed the League's Bossi, who is forced to find an Italian solution that has the best chance of being much worse than the French bid, however humiliating to the company Italian flag, but, in truth, in all these years has done little to avoid being in this difficult situation and then say I, however, that we go forward in trying to find a negotiated agreement between the French and at least decent trade unions of workers who face a probable commissioner of our national airline, however, would do well to take a few steps back to avoid the workers of the company leaving more humiliation, however, lose the electoral sirens of the Knight and his other friends who do nothing but take precious time to those who now do not really need, my opinion.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

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Monday, March 17, 2008

My Dog Is Dragging Her Back Leg

What is happening to the markets? Thank you all

After a short break from the markets resume posting comments, since the visits to the blog are always numerous.
What about those markets where the icertezza the fate of the economy is still very strong and fears of a recession are getting closer. First on the front
Assisted exchange we are a strong weakening of the dollar and the currencies lower. The strategy of investing dollars in transactions rather than buying the currency on the Forex market was particularly timely because the loss was limited to $ 100 margin (70 Euro).
When we can not expect anything good even on the face of stock market investment location for research only at the time that we consider are the titles of BTP was the long-term downtrend in interest rates are increased in their listing.
Good week to all visitors!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

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course I take this term loan undoubtedly strong that a "certain" Emma Bonino in response to Piero Fassino, one of the leading exponents of the PD, has accepted the same here today, along with his partner Pannella, political conditions that would not even dare to propose the same Berlusca Casini, or the misery of 9 members and secure a place in the light of the facts rather unlikely to Minister Bonino herself to the contrary, however, that the symbol of Di Pietro, and men kept them intact, two weights, two measures? I think so, yes, except that Di Pietro, a man of character which undoubtedly is, with the PD has been able to deal on equal terms while the radicals, in terms of backbone, and not only that, they were yielding very poor in practice pants and shirt that Veltroni did not expect any better, maybe Pannella, the beautiful age of 79 years, did not want to round off his political career with a place in the sun in the same PD? Probable hypothesis, but the rest of the party, and its noble heritage of proposals and ideas, he thought about it? Ah, right, I forgot, the Italian Radicals are the stuff of his, along with Bonino, indeed what his political dignity and glory of a party anyway, who cares so much I have no safe place! Boys sad end for one person, Pannella, that Italy, for better or for worse, it has given so much, too bad!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

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Thanks for your interest we have reached more than 3000 visits, we were just over 2000 a month ago. Still dominates the uncertainty in the markets both on the rates, even if their descent in Europe now seems close, both in equity markets where the economic crisis is also felt if every time you are shy rebounds. For those who have divested all or most of the positions at these levels with a small percentage think we can take into account the stock market - but only to a limited extent in order to make any other adjustments.
On the currency front, you can take advantage of the movement of the dollar which seems to govern the resistance of 1.50 against the Euro and that is a very strong psychological resistance. In this case we can exploit the leverage with the excellent platform that I'm already Iforex by using time entering orders to buy dollars in area from 1.47 to 1.49 with a stop at 1.51. The degree of risk than upside potential of the currency seems very content as well as the minimum margin deposit of $ 100 that allows, using leverage to invest in about $ 8000.
For further information on investment strategy in dollars

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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I think that for clarity for all of us, ordinary mortals, that on April 13 to 14 will attempt to vote in, I hope successful, to give Italy a stable government at last would be desirable to be confronted with strong alliances and politically cohesive, and then, consequently, I hope that that will really give a PD Italy a period of reform leads to serious and credible if, in addition to Di Pietro, also leaving Pannella and Bonino, but for once the Socialists to their fate and be counted among them to understand what will be their future I foresee still far from rosy.
While, however, Berlusconi's right I hope that, together with Fini, leave the UDC this enticing to his fate, as a matter of policy coherence, to move toward an agreement with the White Rose Tabacci, Baccini and Pezzotta and only after that, for all those who, with a clear policy framework at last, to appear before the Italian electorate to undergo, in mid-April, at its sole discretion.
PS. If the radicals do not just find an agreement with Veltroni then it would be fair and consistent with their history that they present themselves, with candidate for prime minister Emma Bonino, with all the political consequences it may entail.

Friday, February 8, 2008

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

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Investing in dollars

Since the end of last year had identified the level of 1.50 U.S. dollars to an interesting investment opportunities that is bearing results and that may still be faced with a risk-return profile content.
To all those who will request for information by e-mail I will be happy to provide information both on the trading desk that allows you to easily operate with high leverage, which, however, discourage, and even with small batches and is ideal for risking a few dollars in testing, both on how to enter orders to take profit and stop loss.

Monday, January 28, 2008

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The only information not in our possession (and also "sensitive data" is not disclosure) and its average rating for it should notify the person (or send someone with appropriate delegation) to the Office of Student Office.

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University of Insubria
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via Monte Generoso, 71 - 21100 Varese
tel. +39 39 0332 5003 fax +39 0332
39 5009

Seat degree of Tuesday, February 5, 2008 - 9:15 am - Chamber 10 Faculty of Economics, via Monte Generoso

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Prof. A. Marenzi

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Friday, January 25, 2008

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

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How to deal with the markets at this stage of uncertainty

investing in stocks is not easy, this post as the whole philosophy of the blog is not geared to a quick profit from day trading, but to develop a culture to obtain sufficient funding to allow more than the average earnings of understanding where the mass "mistakes" and avoid making the same mistakes.
to do this and to suggest the reading of good books listed on the side, which must necessarily be read in this sequence because the latter refer to concepts in the background, I remind you that according to the philosophy of the Father Rich, I agree totally and I'm passionate about a lot in these moments begin to invest in the stock market or to expand the locations with plans to build could be an interesting opportunity in the long term as well as the investment in dollars or through bonds Forex. I will not dwell here in the explanation of the Forex, but all who are interested in this investment opportunity with a minimum deposit of $ 100 can contact me at mail

you soon!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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Egr. Dr. David Bianchi VIA

With this private between

Punto it Srl in the person of Francesca Bernardini, Mr. Christophe Sanchez delegated by the administrator, based in Sarzana (SP) via Del Corso, 2 PI 01077930111 on one side and

Dr. David White was born in Busto Arsizio (VA) on 04/10/1980, BNCDVD80R04B300B tax code, resident in Rovereto ROUTE 24 in Fagnano Olona (VA), the quality of author of the thesis entitled "MiFID and the impact on 'the Bank", which was discussed at 's University of Insubria, Faculty of Economics, the academic year 2006-07, hereinafter referred to as AUTHOR other.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Kidizoom Camera Travel Bag

Things to do in the face of a collapse of this magnitude?

Panic dominates the market at this time and most of the investors are taking from this. Stages of decline for the more astute investors are the time when you can buy quality titles on particularly advantageous terms. The
Father Rich teaches us that studying the cash flow is very important because in this moment you can buy undervalued securities that generate wealth on particularly advantageous terms.
The likely recovery of the dollar also allows you to operate with ease on the forex using them intelligently and never over the lever.
also the high likelihood that central banks should cut rates further, for those who believe in this case, can be exploited through the purchase of fixed rate securities.

Council to all who read this post very useful reading the books listed at the bottom of the blog.

Good trading to all purchases are made on the best discounts after developing an appropriate financial culture

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lower Bicep Tendonitis

A little tip to save money

In this post we talk about investments, but savings in everyday life and in particular auto insurance. We all assume we have at least one car at home.
A first hint that I want to give is more important only because presumably saves you more money.
speak of ' assignment on the lower class within the same household. This means that when buying an additional car you can request the application of the category with the family of the lower class to the family car owner (which could also be the same) arising from the state of family that appears to be the only document to be submitted in case we ask the same insurance company or combined all 'attestation risk if you want to ensure your car in a different insurance company. The second

point where you can make savings is through moving or renegotiation of the conditions on the basis of what are the market conditions. For this I want to give the possibility to compare the conditions applied to you by your company with everything that comes from the estimate.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Airlock Underfloor Heating

precious attention to transactions in currencies EUR / JPY

yen The euro exchange rate is testing a key resistance area 156 could reject the courses in area 160 or open spaces for a more significant rise in the currency. As for the dollar through a forex account we can exploit this situation with a small minimum investment.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Whalen Firniture Canada


Dear doctor, we
seriously motivated practitioner to join our facility.
The study, in Legnano, opera in the field of tax advice and
personal and professional growth opportunities.
If interested can send your CV to my e-mail

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Recording Ota With The Computer

2008 with the fall ...

started the year hurt the financial markets for investors buying shares in a traditional manner.
Of course markets can operate both with options to decline with future, according to the capital and the degree of risk you can bear.
To contain the risks arising from the loss of time value of options and opportunities to buy securities with a maturity far enough away (from 3 months old) with a strike and not too out-of-the-money (too low compared to the current market value of 'stock or index) talking options put option. To strike means the exercise price.
particularly interesting for those who want to contain further risks are the options click on the detailed operation of which will post a short answer to those who send inquiries to the e-mail address of the blog.

interesting information are available on the guide and Options Trading Online Self-esteem you find on the site by clicking on the banner.

Good Trading to all the many readers of the blog and thanks again to the many requests ...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Catholic High School Ajax

Thanks! We arrived at 2000 hits in 2 months

Thanks to all users of the blog in 2 months we got over 2000 visits and this can only give pleasure, the argument most visited is the management of losses, which enables it to increase their returns but not always be brought to the attention of investors. As stated several times in the three important books that are on the bottom of the page the tax variable is particularly important but often overlooked.

To celebrate this milestone with you to first twenty users who so request by Sunday, January 20 by sending an email to , allowing the processing of their data under the applicable laws on privacy, will be sent , will be completed as soon as a document for the main tools and techniques of investment markets!

Thanks again and enjoy reading the blog and a series of training tools offered. Alex

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Avs Dvd Copy 1.4 ключ

2008 Difficult start

What can we expect for 2008 from the equity markets and what strategies so we can set up?
This I think is a question that many people ask in these days of falling stock markets beginning of the year. We have reached the bottom or the 2008 will be black?
Given forecasts of famous economists expect sharp declines in U.S. interest rates to cope with a situation that is likely to lead to recession in the decision to invest in the stock market, if not to seize attractive opportunities among undervalued stocks, there seems to be the best investment in terms of yield and risk.
With a weak dollar and rates laid down would be instead possible position on dollar securities of medium-term / long according to their risk profile in order to take full advantage of the downward change in interest rates that leads to an increase in securities prices.
For more risk-tolerant investors, there are also bonds in minor currencies (ISK, TRY, ZAR ,...) of which I have already discussed in a previous post and through websites that specialize in operating such Iforex currency can also be covered by the exchange rate risk. Last
idea but is still being evaluated is the use of the tools offered by ClickOptions, these only for savvy investors.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

If I Take A Painkiller Will A Brazilian Wax Hurt?

Winning on the Stock Exchange

Hello everyone,
I wanted to bring to the attention of an important opportunity offered by partners Self-esteem that temporarily gives the Videocourse Winning on the Stock Exchange for just 99 Euros (+ VAT) and also sent to all those who purchase the product to make money online Ebook in 7 days included. The commercial value of the two products is 228 Euro + VAT for the course and 118 + Vat for the book.

know why you would please to inform you of this opportunity intressant remember, at the bottom of this page is a link to the course or by clicking on the banner of self-esteem.

Good Trading all!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Can A Woman Have A Baby With Fibroid Tumors


for the co-rapporteur, appointed by the president, is far too soon. communication will occur within 10-14 days before the session of graduation. A



I'll be in university from January 7. Can come to the reception on Tuesday, 8 to 16.30, after the lesson. Sincerely


Hello Professor, I received your email and confirm the meeting Tuesday, January 8 at 16.30.

The student office has not yet informed me the name of co-present at the thesis defense Feb. 4, 2008.

Thank you again for your attention, Sincerely

Davide Bianchi

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How Many Calories Is 1 Slice Of American Cheese?

2008 will be the year of redemption of the dollar??

The dollar is again very close to the bouncing of 1.50 which reacted positively to the end of 2007.
These days I'm testing the platform Iforex which allows a minimum investment of $ 100 - which is the amount deposited by me to invest in currencies using the leverage.
is allowed to invest up to 400 times the amount deposited.
Of course I prefer not to fully exploit the leverage in the investment but be aware to place a stop loss that will not affect the whole of the capital and accordingly the amount invested.
With $ 100 I saw that you can use the stop loss INVES well be the equivalent of 2500 or 5000 Euro.

All those who want to know more features of the service may send an email to the bottom of the page listing here:

A wish of a 2008 full of peace, health and wealth to all visitors to the Blog.